Holy cow! We just launched a crowdfunding campaign through Pozible!
This campaign will hopefully allow us to complete our EP, which is currently half finished. We will also get a chance to shower you with presents!
If you’re new to the concept of crowdfunding, here’s a very quick rundown:
- We need your help to fund our project.
- If you’re feeling generous and what to help us out, you pledge some money towards our project.
- Depending on how much you pledge, we give you some sweet rewards. This ranges anywhere between a download of our EP to a live performance at your house or party!
- If we reach our target, the money will come out of your account and we will be able to go ahead! (If the project doesn’t reach the target, you won’t be charged).
- You receive your awesome rewards, and we get to finish our EP! Win win.
You can find our campaign here: http://www.pozible.com/porcelainpill.
If you aren’t in a position to pledge money we understand. You can still help us out though. We’d love it if you’d post a link to our campaign on you social media pages, tell your friends about it, or even just yell out the window to people passing by. The more people that hear about the campaign the better.
That’s all the news for now!
Please feel free to leave us a comment below. We’d love to hear from you!
Az and Madeleine.