Wow 2015 has been a massive blur.
I took a bit of space from Porcelain Pill to re-think the direction of the project. And I think it’s been worth it. I’ve put together a new live lineup in my head and am writing with a sense of direction that I’ve never felt before.
So now I’m digging back in. I’ve got the vision, now it’s time for action. I’ve got the studio all set up to write and am heading off to Byron Bay for a little while to work on some tracks.
I know things have been quiet for a while, but I’m going to fix that. I’m going to make much better use of this blog, tweet more writing updates, post more sneak peaks on instagram, and maybe even play a few live songs over periscope. The best spot to keep in touch is probably the email newsletter though (don’t worry, I won’t spam you. I send these about once a month at most). Also feel free to email me at I love getting words from you.
For now, here’s what I’ve been listening to recently. What have you been listening to?